Marijuana Extract May Help Some Children With Epilepsy, Study Finds

Parents of children with severe epilepsy have reported incredible recoveries when their children were given cannabidiol, a derivative of marijuana. The drug, a non-psychoactive compound that occurs naturally in cannabis, has been marketed with epithets like Charlotte's Web and Haleigh's Hope.
But those parents were taking a risk; there has been no clinical data on cannabidiol's safety or efficacy as an anti-epileptic. This week, doctors are presenting the first studies trying to figure out if cannabidiol actually works. They say the studies' results are promising, but with a grain of salt.
The largest study being presented at the American Epilepsy Society meeting in Philadelphia this week was started in 2014 with 313 children from 16 different epilepsy centers around the country. Over the course of the three-month trial, 16 percent of the participants withdrew because the cannabidiol was either ineffective or had adverse side-effects, says Dr. Orrin Devinsky, a neurologist at the New York University Langone Medical Center and lead author on the study.
But for the 261 patients that continued taking cannabidiol, the number of convulsive seizures, called grand mal or tonic-clonic seizures, went down by about half on average. Devinsky says that some children continued to experience benefits on cannabidiol after the trial ended. "In the subsequent periods, which are very encouraging, 9 percent of all patients and 13 percent of those with Dravet Syndrome epilepsy were seizure-free. Many have never been seizure-free before," he says. It's one of several papers on cannabidiol being presented this week at the American Epilepsy Society meeting in Philadelphia.
Twenty-five of those patients were followed for a yearlong study also presented at the meeting. Some of those patients did better, but one ended up doing worse. "A drug can induce an increase in seizures," says Dr. Maria Roberta Cilio, a pediatric neurologist at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital who led that study. This happened with one of her patients. "For one particular child, the more the dose of [cannabidiol] was increasing, that increase was paralleled with an increase in seizure frequency," she says.
Some patients in Devinsky's trial also did worse while on cannabidiol, but he thinks there's no way to tell if it was because of the drug or something else. He says we won't know until a full clinical trial has run its course. Without that, the perceived effects of the drug might be a placebo effect or it could be some other confounding factor that hasn't been caught in the study. What's more, a few hundred patients isn't a lot of patients, and doctors still need to see what will happen when a patient is on cannabidiol for more than a few months.
Epilepsy can be one of the most difficult syndromes to treat. About a third of patients have an intractable form of epilepsy. It's common for children and adults with treatment-resistant epilepsy to exhaust the list of anti-seizure medications to little or no effect.
Jaren Hansen is a 7-year-old boy with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, a form of treatment-resistant epilepsy. When he was 2, he started having seizures. His doctors diagnosed him with epilepsy and started him on one anti-seizure medication. Then they added another, and then another.
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